Monday, October 15, 2012

Sent to & Received from Nicole Eippers: New —and old— PIG and PINK for and from Nicole - July 2012

It's astonishing that, when I first "met" (that is, through the intermediary of mail-art) Nicole Eippers http:// piggyonemailart. and I sent her some piggies —because that is what Nicole collects!— I never thought in Piglet, the great friend of Winnie-the-Pooh, who is one of my best friends (see!)

Suddenly, mid-july, I thought in Piglet AND in Nicole, and I took care of the oversight! The pink-pink-pink envelope shows the two friends. The little note I enclosed for Nicole was on the back of a Dutch Winnie-the-Pooh-calendar page: it presents a recipe for "Knorretjes citroenkoekjes". "Knorretje" is the Dutch name of Piglet, so this is a recipe for "Piglet's Lemon-cookies".

Some days later, Nicole sent me a Winnie&Piglet envelope —in Disney-form...
The A&A-postcards I sent to Nicole January 2008 are not on my old blogs (as are many of these A&A-postcards). As I am completing my mail-art in all directions, I include them here!

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