Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Pink - Red - Orange - Yellow * CALL for MAIL-ART * My new mail-art PROJECT

Pink - Red - Orange - Yellow

is the theme of my new mail-art PROJECT, 
for which I ask you to contribute 
in the form of a mail-art 
using one or more of these colours 
(technique free & format free, but 
PREFERENTIALLY A6 or A5 cards or envelopes).

Your sending will appear on
which is my PINK Red Orange Yellow blog.

In reply, I will send you a mail-art 
 (so, don’t forget to write your address).

"Dead"line: 31/12/2013

...but I also continue to be  
interested by other, "free" mail art
PREFERENTIALLY A6 or A5 cards or envelopes!

Send your mail-art to 
Willemien Visser
15 rue Vergniaud
75013 Paris

Friday, October 19, 2012 address for SENDING...

...but if you want to SEND me something —snail-mail, a card, a letter, an envelope, another little surprise— you should know my address:

Willemien Visser * 15 rue Vergniaud * 75013 Paris * France
Willemien Plathner-Visser * Fasanenweg 12 * 26133 Oldenburg * Germany

Mail-art TO & FROM Saartje Stiers

Beginnings of September, I sent a card to Saartje Stiers, for her project "Saartje Stiers meets Marie Antoinette" ( It was great fun: for the first time, I cut in the encyclopeadia I found in the street some days before!

Today, I received a sending from Saartje. The card in it represents a pen-drawn leaf made up of flowers and more abstract forms. 
THE stamp on the envelope is, as far as I remember, the FIRST MAIL-ART STAMP on an envelope I recieve! And wonderful as can be mail-art sendings: there is no other "valid" Belgian stamp (Saartje lives in Belgium)! Clear that I am going to make also MAIL-ART STAMPs: this is TOO MUCH FUN! (no, not "too -" at all!)
...Today —two days later— I discover that the stamp used by Saartje is an "official" Belgian stamp. It comes from the series "The Art of Graffiti", edited in 2011... Nevertheless, I continue to want to make my own stamps —but... I want SO MUCH...

Saartje also joins a call from Miche-Art-Universalis: "Send a postcard tourist with stamp special from your town" - no deadline. Send to: Miche-Art-Universalis - Steenweg op Beerse, 9 - 2330 Merksplas - Belgium

Sent to Laurence Gillot - Nacy, France - Neither a boat, nor a flight, but a landing... - half October, 2012

Laurence Gillot asks for "embarcations" (boats) or "(en)vol" (flight) (and also accordions -, but I could send her only a landing (ATTERRISSAGE)... 
It is not the first time, I am slightly off beam with Laurence. For her (grand)mother, Eliane Moine, she asked for "fishes", and —at first— I could only find BLUE... (later on, happily, I could make up for it in a 2nd sending) ("Wanting to send fishes to 'Granny Eliane'" - 10/10/12)

Tarot & Travelling for Ans

Thursday, October 18, 2012

My A&A series!

I told a friend that she was going to receive "again" an A&A-postcard, but she did not remember what I was talking about. Surprised that there were only so few examples in my old blogs, I looked in my iPhoto-library, and THERE I found them, those that I remember and those I had forgotten completely (between 2007 and 2008)...

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

New Mail-Art from Mim!

Yesterday, I recieved a new Mail-Art sending from Mim! This time the dots were combined, not with paper cuttings ("bits", as Mim called them on her previous mail-art), but with an aquarel painting.

Monday, October 15, 2012

Sent to & Received from Lucie Monnier - Annecy, France - "What are you doing during the w.e.?" - Jan./Feb. 012

[My first mail-art to Lucie Monnier on her call "What are you doing during the w.e.?" - 10/01/12]


[Second mail-art to Lucie Monnier on her call "What are you doing during the w.e.?" - 12/01/12]

[First and second mail-art recieved from Lucie Monnier on her theme "What are you doing during the w.e.?" - 23 and 30/01/12]

[Third mail-art to Lucie Monnier - 03/02/12]

[Third mail-art recieved from Lucie Monnier - 19/02/12]
This is one of my FAVOURITES among the mail-art I received.

For SIEM Robin, born 27/12/11

[collage for SIEM Robin, born 27/12/11; collage made on 07/01/12]

Sent to & Received from Nicole Eippers: New —and old— PIG and PINK for and from Nicole - July 2012

It's astonishing that, when I first "met" (that is, through the intermediary of mail-art) Nicole Eippers http:// piggyonemailart. and I sent her some piggies —because that is what Nicole collects!— I never thought in Piglet, the great friend of Winnie-the-Pooh, who is one of my best friends (see!)

Suddenly, mid-july, I thought in Piglet AND in Nicole, and I took care of the oversight! The pink-pink-pink envelope shows the two friends. The little note I enclosed for Nicole was on the back of a Dutch Winnie-the-Pooh-calendar page: it presents a recipe for "Knorretjes citroenkoekjes". "Knorretje" is the Dutch name of Piglet, so this is a recipe for "Piglet's Lemon-cookies".

Some days later, Nicole sent me a Winnie&Piglet envelope —in Disney-form...
The A&A-postcards I sent to Nicole January 2008 are not on my old blogs (as are many of these A&A-postcards). As I am completing my mail-art in all directions, I include them here!

Sent to Béatrice and Sent to Sibylle: some encouragements for these hard-working women! - July 2012

Beginnings of July, at the end of the academic year, I considered that Sibylle and Béatrice needed some encouragement!

Sent to Bifidus Jones - St. Paul, MI, USA - half September 2012

This is a card I sent out to Bifidus Jones. I had seen on internet such a beautiful mail-art he had made, that I wanted to send him a small "homage"! In addition, Jeanne d'Arc is the image of a new French stamp, and as she is n° 3 on the list of Bifidus Jones' "current interests", I had to use this stamp for a sending to him!

Sent to Nina - September 2012

Nina is not the only person who adores BLUE, but for several reasons, this envelope had to be for her!

Years ago (03/09/01), I sent Nina a very simple card, also in BLUE. I used as stamp, a painting by Magritte in BLUE —as so many of his paintings— and introduced a cheeky homage to the title of Magritte's "Ceci n'est pas une pomme" ("This is not an apple"), stating that the stamp was (also) the stamp —and not (only) the image of the postcard ("this is the stamp" - "ceci est le timbre")!

Sent to Maryk: the Paper Magician - October 2012

Maryk had to recieve "something that had to do with writing"! For a long time, the foto of a writing girl, pasted on an envelope, was standing somewhere in my appartment, waiting for "more". A month ago, I went out for this "more", and this became characters, a line from a text about creativity and innovation, and the title of a show for children, Le Magicien de Papier (The Paper Magician).