Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Sent to & Received from Emilie Gros - STRIPES / RAYURES - September 2012

The 2nd mail art received yesterday came from Emilie Gros. I was rather surprised. I had the idea that the STRIPES mail-art I sent her was just some days ago: so, she already had received it AND she had time —and was in the mood— to make something for me!

There was the envelope, with coloured STRIPES and there was a little card in the envelope, again with joyful STRIPES!

Looking on Emilie's website ——, I see that what she sent me comes from her

The envelope that I sent her was not very "classical"—and I added some stars!
I wrote my little note to her on the back of a photo showing me putting in the letterbox what was probably my first letter or card. I don't remember if it was already some mail-art: perhaps a drawing for my grand-mother :)

Emilie has two calls: STRIPES / RAYURES and ATLAS (deadline décembre 2012)

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