On an black&white Add&Pass-On received from Roland Halbritter (who recieved as start a photo-collage from Nick Johnson), I added a colour photo of a man making a photo of Paris. Roland added in the center of Nick Johnson's photo collage, a black&white copy of one of his Born-Project stamps: a portrait of John Held Jr. -where Roland added to his name the ending "in", that is, making the name "Held" into "Heldin", that is, "Heroin", an allusion to my Heroins-project http://wimplet-heldinnen.blogspot.de/ (to which Roland contributed already a lot!!!)
On a paper cutting from a children's book, I wrote a little note to Cernjul explaining that I DON'T LIKE ADD&PASS-ONs, but that, when I receive one, I often feel "obliged", one day or another, to add something and pass it on to somebody of whom I have reasons to think that she/he likes Add&Pass-Ons.
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