Sunday, November 4, 2012

Mail-art to & from Laurence!

After two sendings to her (grand)mother, I sent a mail-art to Laurence Gillot ( She asked for "embarcations" (boats) or "vol"/"envol" (flight), but I could send her only a landing (ATTERRISSAGE)... 
It is not the first time that I am slightly off beam with Laurence. For her (grand)mother, Eliane Moine, she asked for "fishes", and —at first— I could only find BLUE... (later on, happily, I could make up for it in a 2nd sending) ("Wanting to send fishes to 'Granny Eliane'" - 10/10/12)...

Laurence sent me a wonderful, poetic card in an envelope from the same "family" as the letter I sent her: we seem both "inspired" by the exercise-book paper used by schoolchildren.

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