Friday, August 13, 2021

From Jean-Philippe Gilliot - 26.7.2021


From Eberhard Janke - 26.7.2021 - Call&Response N°116 Ed. Janus. Therein my contribution to the Call "for a personal view on Dramatic Scenes"


ATC trio initiated by Sabela Baña 14.7.2021 and added by me 7.8.2021


ATC trio initiated by Gaby Müller, added by Sabela Baña 14.7.2021 and completed by me 8.8.2021


Mail art from Carien van Hest - 14.7.2021


From Jack Latteman - CascadiaArtpost - 14.07.2021


ATC quad initiated by Jacqueline Perkins, added1 by Fleur Helsingor 6.7.2021, added2 by me and completed back from Amy Irwen 5.8.2021




ATC Trio sent to Fleur Helsingor -24.05.2021- and completed back from Sabela Baña -14.07.2021