Wednesday, January 20, 2016

Sent to Roland Halbritter - Nüdlingen, Germany - 01.01.16

in response to Roland's call for 
"your own wine bottle label":

Sent to Daniele Virgilio - La Spezia, Italy - 20.12.15

Sent to Linda Pelati - Milano, Italy - 20.12.15

Sent to Monica Rex - Los Angeles, CA, U.S. - 20.12.15

Sent to Lydie Bonnec - Guyancourt, France - 19.12.15

Sent to Nico van Hoorn - Nijmegen, Netherlands - 19.12.15

Sent to Clemente Padín - Montevideo, Uruguay - 19.12.15

Sent to Simon Warren - Tring, G.B. - 19.12.15

Sent to Giovanni & Renate Strada, aka StraDADA - Ravenna, Italy - 21.12.15

Sent to Marina Attiná Jozala - Santa Maria, RS, Brazil - 19.12.15

Sent to Roland Halbritter - Nüdlingen, Germany - 19.12.15

Sent to Keiichi Nakamura - Tokyo, Japan - 20.12.15

Sent to Cristina Blank - Wörthsee, Germany - 19.12.15

Sent to Nikki Sclair - North Merrick, NY, U.S. - 19.12.15

Sent to Bernhard Zilling - Berlin, Germany - 19.12.15

Sent to Mahpeyker Yönsel - Tekirdag, Turkey - 19.12.15

Sent to Serse Luigetti - Perugia, Italy - 19.12.15

Sent to Mars Tokyo - Baltimore, MD, U.S. - 19.12.15

Sent to Miguel Jimenez, aka El Taller de Zenón - Sevilla, Spain - 19.12.15

Wednesday, January 13, 2016